4 Attractive Advantages Of Part-Time Cleaning Services

4 Attractive Advantages Of Part-Time Cleaning Services

With how commonplace busy work schedules are, you may have considered engaging a part-time cleaning service to help keep your home clean. However, certain doubts may arise due to common myths about home cleaning services regarding whether or not you may be getting a good “bang for your buck”.

You would be amazed to know that part-time cleaning services are so much more than just paying somebody to come and do your cleaning chores for you.

Below are some attractive advantages that may not seem evident at first glance but provide immense value for money.

1. Technical expertise

By hiring specialised cleaners to tidy up your home, they also bring valuable skills and experience, such as which products to use and how best to use them, as well as the best cleaning techniques against stubborn stains such as mould, grime and grease. They also get the job done quicker, having been familiar with the job and its procedures.

With this in mind, you can rest assured that your home will end up much cleaner and neater, having been in the care of professional, well-trained hands.

2. Free up time for rest and leisure

Coming home from a long week at work to a messy, dirty home waiting to be cleaned can be a major drain on your energy! Cleaning up the house takes up considerable amounts of time, especially if you share a home with multiple people. Free up those hours and put them to better use by engaging in deep cleaning services to help you make the most of your downtime.

With the hours freed up, you could pick a new hobby, run other errands or even sleep in. The best thing about such an arrangement? Knowing your home is already cleaned and organised as you recharge and rejuvenate!

3. Make big days less stressful 

Whether it’s moving into a newly renovated space or after a long day of hosting guests, one of the biggest stressors is dealing with the aftermath. One reassuring option you’ll be delighted to know about is hiring a one-time cleaning service. Even if you don’t normally use part-time cleaning services, you may find one-time arrangements to be convenient for occasional deep cleaning tasks.

So, consider engaging a one-time cleaning service explicitly designed for days like these for your next spring clean!

4. Affordable rates and prices

Engaging part-time maid services in Singapore will be a much cheaper alternative than a full-time domestic helper, with all the agency fees, bonds and insurance.

These services typically charge by the hour, meaning you only pay for the time you require their assistance. Additionally, many companies that offer such services often provide insurance coverage for the staff they send to your location. The expenses associated with hiring a part-time cleaning service ultimately boil down to the hourly rate and the cost of cleaning supplies, which you may choose to provide yourself or use the company’s supplies for an additional fee.

If you have more intricate cleaning needs, you can simply reach out to the company with an inquiry, and most of them will gladly provide you with a price quote.


Interested in trying out a part-time cleaning service? Keep your home immaculate and spotless with Home Cleaning SG!

On top of offering all of the above advantages, Home Cleaning SG also allows for extensive customisation options, enabling you to describe and specify exactly what needs to be done for your home. Along with attractive rates and a rigorously trained staff roster, Home Cleaning SG is the perfect choice for professional cleaning.

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Our Address:
71 Ubi Rd 1, #10-42, Singapore 408732

Opening Hours:
9.00am – 6.00pm

Email : admin@homecleaningsg.com
Whatapp/Office : +65 31650568