5 Home Cleaning Misconceptions That You Shouldn’t Believe

5 Home Cleaning Misconceptions That You Shouldn't Believe

Home cleaning and maintenance has become a routine task that many of us are now used to and tackle without much thought. However, with more and more people becoming independent by the day, not everyone will have a good grasp of what they are supposed to do and how to do it right, leading to the many myths regarding this everyday chore. Perpetuating these misconceptions will result in wasted time and effort at best and damage your living space and furniture at worst, so read on as we debunk the most common home cleaning myths circulating today.

1. It is better to clean everything in one go

While spending an entire day cleaning your home sounds good and efficient on paper, it is anything but. More often than not, overextending yourself with many cleaning tasks will only cause you to rush things and make your cleaning ineffective. The better approach would be to divide your cleaning responsibilities into smaller and more manageable chunks and spread them out over the week so you can focus on one area at a time.

2. Using more cleaning products results in better cleanliness

There is a widespread belief that using more cleaning products is essential for a  cleaner home. Unfortunately, excessive use of various cleaners (some of which use harsh chemicals) does not lead to a significant increase in cleanliness and will only harm your health and environment. So, stick to a few eco-friendly products that can clean multiple surfaces and steer clear of overloading on cleaning products to avoid jeopardising your health and spending more on cleaning supplies you do not need.

3. Cleaning is all about the visible

Many of us are guilty of rationalising our decision to clean only what we can see, especially when we are having a busy week. However, neglecting out-of-the-way areas like behind appliances or the top of cabinets will lead to dust and grime buildup over time.

These unclean and dusty areas will eventually become a source of dirt that gets in the way of your regular cleaning efforts. As such, consider getting the help of a part-time maid in Singapore instead whenever you have too much on your plate and cannot get to every nook and cranny in your home.

4. Cleaning hacks solve everything

There is no shortage of cleaning hacks on the internet, only a few of which are safe and effective. For instance, vinegar and baking soda might work great at removing stains, but they are unsuitable for every surface. Thus, save yourself the potential headache of trying out these tips by sticking to the right cleaning method for a given mess or task.

5. Dusting does more harm than good

Regular dusting is key to preventing buildup and maintaining a healthier and cleaner indoor air quality and environment. As such, this myth only applies when using the wrong tools for the job, such as feather dusters that do not capture dust but cause it to fly in the air and settle down elsewhere.

By switching to more effective alternatives like a microfiber cloth, you can better collect dust and keep the various surfaces of your abode dust-free. Understanding the reasons why dust is accumulating in your home is essential for effective cleaning.


Despite being relatively simple, many misconceptions about home cleaning still prevail to this day. Thankfully, now you know better than to believe these myths and can be more wary of potentially bad advice that may do more harm than good for your abode’s cleanliness.

Home Cleaning SG is the name you can always rely on for all your residential cleaning needs. We provide weekly and one-time deep cleaning services carried out by expert technicians who leave no stone unturned. Rest assured that once we finish the job, your home will be spotless and look as good as new. Feel free to contact us for more details or to schedule a cleaning for your home!

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