Essential Steps To Include In Your Daily Cleaning Checklist

Essential Steps To Include In Your Daily Cleaning Checklist

Keeping your house clean is key in working towards having a healthy family. If you do not have the luxury of time to clean your entire house, focus your attention on areas or spaces that make your entire home look dirty and messy if they are not dealt with – such as a sink full of dishes, trash left lying around, and unmade beds. According to experts, deep cleaning for your home needs to be done only at least two or three times a year.

On a day-to-day basis, you need to concentrate on a few trouble spots to maintain the order and cleanliness of your home. For this purpose, developing a daily cleaning checklist that includes all the quick cleaning tasks you need to do in each room is highly recommended. To help you, here are some essential steps you should include in your daily housekeeping checklist.

Cleaning tasks for the kitchen

Kitchens see plenty of traffic throughout the day. As such, crumbs, debris, and clutter can rapidly build up in this area. To properly clean and disinfect your kitchen, follow this daily checklist after cooking and preparing meals.

1. Clean the dishes

First, you need to empty the dishwasher and fill it with the dirty dishes in the sink. After doing so, wipe out the sink immediately using a sponge.

2. Wipe down the range tops and countertops

With all the cooking and meal preparation you are doing, it is easy for your range tops and countertops to be full of grease and food crumbs. For this reason, you should wipe away all splatters, spills, and crumbs on your range tops and countertops using an all-purpose cleaner and a cloth.

3. Mop dirty spots on the floor

Aside from the countertops, the floor in your kitchen can become easily dirty with spills and crumbs. Hence, you must wipe up the spills, sweep the crumbs, and mop the sticky areas on your kitchen floor.

Cleaning tasks for the living room

Like the kitchen, the living room is another area in your house with a lot of traffic. Cleaning your living room daily involves looking for easy ways to restore order. Keep daily messes and clutter in your living room under control with these simple cleaning tasks.

1. Vacuum the area rug and sofa

Using a handheld vacuum, give the main areas of your living room, such as the area rug and the sofa, a once-over to get rid of dust bunnies and crumbs.

2. Pick up clutter

Grab toys, books, and objects off the floor and return them to their storage boxes. Eliminate extra items from the coffee table, and arrange any accessories placed on top of it.

3. Tidy the sofa

Straighten the cushion, fluff the pillows, and fold throw blankets to give your sofa a tidy look again.

Cleaning tasks for the bedroom

The bedroom is where you rest and have a good night’s sleep after a long, tiring day. Hence, your bedroom must be clear of any clutter preventing you from relaxing and resting. Take a few minutes in the morning or night to clean your bedroom with these quick steps.

1. Make the bed

Ideally, you should make your bed every morning as soon as you wake up and get out of bed.

2. Pick up and arrange clothes 

If your floor is full of scattered clothing, clear them and quickly fold or hang the clean clothes. To make this task easier, make it a habit to put clothes away as soon as you take them off.

3. Organise your nightstand 

Put away any trash and clear of clutter on your desk, and spruce up your nightstand by straightening the books or any accessories on it.

Cleaning tasks for the bathroom

Bathrooms require regular mopping and scrubbing, but it is not necessary to complete both tasks daily. You can keep grime and germs at bay by following these quick and easy cleaning tasks for your bathroom.

1. Wipe down the mirror, sink, and countertops

Wipe down the most exposed surfaces in your bathroom using a washcloth or a paper towel with a bit of water or an all-purpose cleaner. You can use the same cloth to clean the splatters off your mirror, swipe the sink, and quickly wipe off your countertops.

2. Clear countertop clutter

If toiletries, cosmetics, or other clutter are on your countertop, clear and return them to their rightful storage spaces.

3. Check the floor

Use a spin mop to dry your bathroom floor. If there is dirt or clutter, sweep or vacuum as needed.


By doing the simple house cleaning tasks in this article, you can maintain order and cleanliness in your house without wasting too much time and energy. To make house cleaning easier and more convenient, you can hire a part-time maid service to help you keep your precious home free from dirt and clutter.

For the most reliable and comprehensive part-time maid services in Singapore, Home Cleaning SG is the one for you! We offer various services, such as weekly home cleaning services and one-time deep cleanings, that will surely address all your housecleaning needs at an affordable price. With our team of seasoned and skilled cleaning technicians, we can help you maintain a clean and healthy home for you and your family.

Schedule a cleaning for your house today!

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