Post-Renovation Cleaning Checklist: How To Do It Properly?

Post-Renovation Cleaning Checklist: How To Do It Properly?

Post-renovation cleaning can be tedious and burdensome even after an extensive cleanup by your contractor. This is a big concern for homeowners who have dust allergies. Nonetheless, this problem can be effectively addressed with proper cleaning procedures and equipment. For this purpose, you might need professional home cleaning in Singapore.

Nearly all home improvement projects generate dust particles that sneak into every nook and cranny of your house, and these layers of dust can make your newly renovated home look old and dingy. To avoid the health risks that may arise from a dusty and dirty house and make your recently renovated house look truly new, here are some of the most crucial things you should do for proper post-renovation cleaning.

1. Vacuum upholstery and carpets

Dust and dirt particles can easily embed themselves in carpeted floors and upholstered furniture. If these particles are left to settle after renovation, they can leave your house looking filthy and cause itch and irritation to your family members or guests. Hence, the first thing you should do after your house renovation is to vacuum all the soft surfaces in your home, particularly the upholstery and carpets.

When cleaning your house, it is better to begin at the top and work your way down. Besides the soft surfaces, you should also clean all the other areas prone to dust and dirt buildup, such as your ceilings and walls. Ceiling fans, lighting fixtures, blinds, vents, grates, ducts, and even decorations should be dusted or vacuumed to remove all the particles that might have settled on them.

2. Mop and wipe down hard surfaces

After you have finished cleaning your house with a vacuum, you should move on to the “wet” part of post-renovation cleaning. This includes mopping and wiping down all the hard surfaces in your home. This means you should first wipe the dust and dirt off your ceiling fans, lighting fixtures, and walls. For this, starting from the top and working your way down is also better.

When wiping walls, it is crucial to check whether or not the wall or paint is already dry before your begin wiping it with a damp cloth. Even your kitchen needs to be thoroughly scrubbed. Once you are done with the “top” areas, you should work your way down to the windows, doors, door knobs, shelves, furniture, and decorations. Once all the wiping is done, you can mop your entire floor.

3. Pay attention to the often overlooked items

It is often easy to miss an area or item in your house when doing post-renovation cleaning. However, allowing dust and dirt to build up in these areas or items can result in the same health risks, which can even have worse effects in the long run. To avoid this and have a completely dust-free renovated home, you need to clean all the areas, furniture, and items in your house, especially the commonly overlooked ones. This includes the following:

  • Ceiling fan blades
  • Lighting fixtures
  • Electronics
  • Small appliances
  • Lamp shades
  • Decorative items


Cleaning a newly renovated house can indeed be taxing and troublesome. You must thoroughly clean every corner of your home to ensure that it is free from any dust or dirt that can potentially harm your and your family member’s health. Due to its extensiveness, it is understandable if you do not want to deal with the huge mess left by your home renovation project. In this case, the best thing to do is to hire a professional one-time cleaning service in Singapore.

For the most comprehensive, reliable, and affordable home cleaning services in Singapore, Home Cleaning SG is the cleaning specialist you can trust! We offer various premium cleaning services that will ensure the cleanliness of your house from top to bottom and left to right. For as low as $22 for each hour, you can already eliminate all the dust, dirt, and microbes that are lurking in your freshly renovated home. Feel free to reach out to us anytime to learn more about our trusted and valuable cleaning services.

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