How Having A Clean Home Can Benefit Your Mental Health

How Having A Clean Home Can Benefit Your Mental Health

A clean home does more than make your living space look more appealing — it can do wonders for your mental health too! According to Peggy Loo, PhD, licensed psychologist and director at Manhattan Therapy Collective, when our minds are feeling overwhelmed due to stress or anxiety, having a neat living space can help us focus better while improving relationships with those around us.

Read on to learn how having a clean home can benefit your mental health.

1. Released endorphins

Keeping your home tidy and organised can be a great way to boost your mood! The physical act of cleaning your home and keeping it neat and organised helps release endorphins, those magical hormones that interact with our brains to alleviate pain and make us feel good. It is an effective stress reliever and the perfect remedy for improving overall well-being.

2. Regulate emotions

Cleaning can provide an excellent way to de-stress and regulate emotions. By taking the time for a deep clean, you create a physical distraction that allows you space to effectively manage your feelings – making it possible to come out of tricky situations feeling more balanced and in control.

3. Improves physical and mental health

Homeowners should be aware of the many health risks in dirty houses, such as dust-borne diseases, skin infections, and more. According to a 2017 study published in The Lancet, taking just thirty minutes out of your day for cleaning activities could reduce the risk of heart disease by up to one-fifth.

Moreover, regular cleaning can help keep bacteria at bay – especially in households with pets, where removing any potentially harmful germs lurking around is essential. Ultimately, improved physical health leads to better mental health, so keeping everything spotless is a sure-fire way to maintain your overall well-being.

4. Improved relationships

There is always a chance that you and your family members or housemates won’t agree on what makes an organised and clean living space. Your mental health will likely be impacted by things like hair in the bathtub and dirty dishes in the sink that might induce resentment or other negative emotions.

Agreeing to share responsibility for household chores helps reduce conflict and improve your mental well-being. Furthermore, if you do not have the luxury of time to keep your house clean, consider hiring one-time house cleaning services that can help to lift the burden of splitting household chores off your shoulders, so you and your family members do not have to worry about who has to mop the floors next.

5. A better-smelling home can lift your mood

Keeping your home clean will rid your house of any foul odours that can cause you harm or make you feel uncomfortable. A home that smells pleasant can also help to put yourself in a better mental state. Aromatherapy has long been known for its ability to reduce stress and combat depression, so try scents like citrus-infused cleaning products, which can give you an uplifting boost!


A clean home can benefit you in many ways. One of the most significant benefits people tend to overlook is its positive effect on your mental well-being. Taking time each day for tidying up can provide focus and mindfulness. Plus, when the job is done, we’re rewarded with an organised area that offers clarity of mind – so why not get cleaning for some much-needed zen in your life?

If you are unsure where to start, consider hiring part-time house cleaning professionals from Home Cleaning SG! Our services are tailored to meet your needs and requirements, so you can rest assured that your home will be left tidy. With a team of experienced cleaners and free quotes available, there’s no better time to make the call. Contact us now to learn more about our affordable part-time house cleaning services

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