How To Effectively Declutter Your Children’s Bedroom

How To Effectively Declutter Your Children's Bedroom

Children can bring a whirlwind of joy and excitement wherever they go, but with more kids come exponentially more clutter. After years of accrued toys, clothing items and other random belongings taking up space in their bedrooms—it’s no surprise that it takes hours to clean the room only for it to be turned upside down again within seconds!

Most homeowners are aware of room-by-room cleaning tips to maintain a clutter-free home. However, keeping children’s rooms clean is still a feat most people need to learn how to deal with. If you struggle with keeping your child’s room clean – do not fret! You’ll soon have that well-organised space you’ve been dreaming about!

Try these tested tips to declutter your children’s bedroom effectively.

1. Donate toys regularly

Trying to figure out what to do with the toys your children have outgrown? Why not consider donating them regularly so that they can bring joy and entertainment to another child? Take some time to organise and gather the toys that your child does not play with anymore and prepare to give them away.

Neighbours, family members, charities, schools, and day-cares are some options worth considering when it comes to toy donations. Remember to always dispose of broken toys or recalled products before donating!

2. Proper storage

Practical organisation is vital for creating an orderly living space that kids can easily maintain. Separate items into categories and store like-with-like to create a streamlined system. Many furniture stores offer plenty of great storage solutions!

Keep hazardous toys or those requiring adult assistance in secured bins, kept out of reach from children. To ensure safety, ensure shelves and furniture are installed securely onto the walls so they won’t tip over.

3. Put up hooks to free up the floor

Create a clutter-free haven for your child’s bedroom – by utilising some hooks! Hooks are an easy way to use unutilised wall space and create order by hanging baskets, bags or even clothes. They help reduce any mess on the floor while saving time and money compared to manually installing shelves. With minimal effort, you can instantly transform your child’s room into a tidier environment – perfect for them (and their toys!)

4. Set a clean-up schedule

Set a clean-up schedule while making it fun for the children. Encourage your kids to jump into the fun of tidying up and use this as a chance for learning. Set aside time every week for toy clean-up: a fixed cleaning schedule can help your child to be more responsible while they focus on sorting and categorising their items correctly.

5. Be an example

Leading by example is essential in setting healthy standards at home. Show your kids that staying organised can be fun, and then watch how they thoughtfully choose what items will add value to their lives. Demonstrate how simplifying their living area leads to a tidy environment and show them that getting rid of unnecessary things helps create more joy. Craft these values together and behold with pride how your young ones begin to practise self-control by taking thoughtful care of their things.

If you do not have the luxury of time to constantly ensure that your kids’ rooms are cleaned, make it easy on yourself and consider hiring part-time home cleaning services in Singapore to help keep your space tidy and presentable.


Organising your child’s bedroom may appear intimidating, but by taking on the task with determination and care, you will help them unlock possibilities. Giving children a healthy environment to play in facilitates their development while ensuring they can truly enjoy it without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out!

Make your home sparkle and shine with services that offer professional home cleaning in Singapore today! Home Cleaning SG has the services you need to ensure a clean home for your loved ones!

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