Tips For Decluttering Your Home Before A Deep Cleaning Session

Tips For Decluttering Your Home Before A Deep Cleaning Session

As we usher in the new year, many are looking towards a fresh start by decluttering homes to prepare for a deep cleaning session. Embarking on a deep cleaning session can be a daunting task, especially if your living space is cluttered with unnecessary items. Before you break out the cleaning supplies, it is essential to declutter your home effectively. A clutter-free environment not only makes cleaning more efficient but also contributes to a sense of calm and organisation.

In this article, we will explore expert tips to help you declutter your home seamlessly before diving into a thorough cleaning session.

1. Prioritise 

As we all know, cleaning your home can be overwhelming. Most of us tend to procrastinate home cleaning simply because we don’t know where to start, which is why it is vital to create a list of areas that need attention. For example, you can start with decluttering your child’s bedroom before moving on to your bedroom, the guest rooms, and the living room. Start with one room and focus on it until the decluttering process is complete.

You can also break your job down into smaller, more achievable tasks. Start by picking up your dirty laundry and keeping any loose items, and then move on to slightly bigger tasks such as organising your items and dusting your room. This approach allows you to see tangible progress and prevents you from feeling defeated before you even begin.

2. The three-box method 

Another effective and well-known decluttering technique is called the “three-box method”. The idea of this method is to section your items off into three different boxes, categorised as “To keep”, “To donate or sell”, and “To discard”. This technique helps you distinguish the important items from those you are okay with letting go of. Be honest with yourself about whether you genuinely need or use each item. This method streamlines decision-making and creates a clear separation of belongings.

3. Create designated spaces for everyday items

Maintaining a clutter-free home involves having designated spaces for everyday items. Establish specific areas for items like keys, mail, shoes, and other frequently used belongings. Invest in organisers, baskets, or hooks to keep these spaces tidy. This reduces clutter and makes it easier to locate essential items, saving you time and frustration in the long run.

4. Don’t forget hidden spaces

Clutter tends to accumulate in hidden or less frequently accessed spaces, such as closets and entryways. Set aside time specifically for decluttering these areas. Entryways usually consist of a side table, bench, or console – filled with items such as house keys, mail, or any other miscellaneous items and personal belongings. Get rid of any items you no longer need to ensure that your important items are easy to reach before leaving home.

5. Involve the entire household

Decluttering and home cleaning should not be a one-man job, especially if you live with several people. Encourage and involve everyone in your household to participate in the decluttering process. Assign specific tasks to each person, making the process faster and more efficient. Additionally, involving others fosters a shared responsibility for maintaining a clutter-free environment.

If you’re living alone, home cleaning can be a pretty tedious task to carry out on your own. Consider hiring part-time maid services in Singapore to assist you in your home cleaning. These professional services are equipped with the tools and expertise to ensure your home deserves the proper care and cleaning.

6. Celebrate your achievements

Decluttering your home is a significant accomplishment, and it is essential to acknowledge and celebrate your efforts. Take a moment to appreciate the newfound space, improved organisation, and the positive impact on your daily life. Consider treating yourself to something special as a reward for your hard work, reinforcing the importance of maintaining a clutter-free environment.


Carrying out deep cleaning sessions becomes more manageable when you start off with a thorough decluttering of your home. Following the tips listed above will allow you to create a streamlined and organised living space that not only facilitates easy cleaning but also contributes to a more peaceful and enjoyable home environment.

For professional cleaning services that are personalised to meet your needs, Home Cleaning SG is here for you! Our deep cleaning services in Singapore are sure to leave your home spick and span. Contact us today for more information!

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