5 Handy Tips To Spend Less Time Tidying Up Your Home

5 Handy Tips To Spend Less Time Tidying Up Your Home

Given our busy schedules today, it is no surprise that many people find cleaning a hassle that eats up their precious free time. However, with a bit of planning and using the right supplies and cleaning strategies, you can reduce the amount of time you would normally spend on the upkeep of your home. And when it comes to cleaning efficiently, there is no one better to get help from than the experts specialising in deep cleaning in Singapore. Get to know their secrets below and apply them to your cleaning routine so you can complete it in half the time!

1. Establish a system

Having a system is the first step to reducing your cleaning time significantly, which entails tidying up your home in the same order consistently. Consistency is key to the whole premise of reducing your time spent cleaning. In other words, it is best to work in one area or room at a time and to start and finish at the same spot to avoid wasting time going back and forth.

The routine is the method here, which is where the time savings come from. Following an established routine is a more effective way to clean instead of outright rushing things where you may do things wrong in your haste.

2. Keep your cleaning supplies at arm’s reach

If you hired a carpenter or handyman to fix something in your home, you would not tolerate them going back and forth just to get a specific tool or material since that would be inefficient. The same applies when you are cleaning your home.

Thus, having all your cleaning tools and supplies easily accessible saves you time from repeatedly stopping what you are doing just to get something once you need them. Before cleaning, consider wearing a carpenter’s tool belt or a simple apron so you can have space to keep your supplies on hand while moving about. Alternatively, you could use a bucket or caddy to stay organised and save time.

3. Clean from top to bottom and left to right

Be mindful of how you go about cleaning, as approaching it incorrectly could make things harder for yourself. For instance, if you start wiping the tables and furniture and then dusting the curtains, the dust from the latter will just dirty everything all over again.

To avoid this, start cleaning from the top of the room and work your way down to prevent redundant and time-wasting work. Next, clean from left to right or vice versa to scrub down the whole room instead of going from one place to another.

4. Be proactive

The best way to maintain cleanliness in your home is by nipping some problems in the bud before they even begin. For example, consider using a shower cleaner to avoid scum and grime from building up in your bath. So, whenever you take a shower, spray and rinse the cleaner to prevent having a dirty shower.

5. Speed clean frequently

If you want to reduce your cleaning time further, make it a habit to clean more often. After deep-cleaning your home occasionally, do a bit of cleaning every few days or so. Speed cleaning regularly helps keep your place orderly and, better yet, spares you the tedious and agonising job of doing several weeks’ worth of cleaning at once.


Maintaining a clean home is important to our mental health and physical health, but there will be times when the hustle and bustle of life keep us from making time to tidy up. And once the weekend comes around again, we’d naturally want to spend most of it relaxing and doing what we enjoy. Hopefully, with the tips above, your cleaning routine becomes less of a hassle and is something you can accomplish in the blink of an eye.

Should you need extra help keeping your abode spick and span, don’t hesitate to enlist the help of a part-time maid in Singapore today! By engaging in Home Cleaning SG’s affordable yet extensive house cleaning services, you can enjoy a clean and cosy home and free up your precious time for the things that matter the most.

Feel free to contact us for more details or to schedule a cleaning for your house!

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