How To Keep Your Bedroom Clean And Tidy In 4 Simple Steps

How To Keep Your Bedroom Clean And Tidy In 4 Simple Steps

The bedroom is arguably the most important room in your house. Everybody starts and ends their day in their bedroom, and it is the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see when you go to bed. Your bedroom is your personal space catered to your wants and needs. That said, your bedroom deserves the proper care and attention you would give to yourself.

When it comes to home cleaning, most homeowners prioritise cleaning their living rooms as it is usually the main room where guests spend most of their time. However, keeping your bedroom tidy is just as important as cleaning your living room. Deep cleaning your bedroom not only helps in making your personal space look spick and span, but it can also help in eliminating built-up dirt and dust that might cause allergies and other health problems.

Read on to learn how to keep your bedroom clean and tidy in 4 simple steps.

1. Declutter your bedroom

First, before you start deep cleaning your bedroom, you should remove any clutter that might get in the way of your thorough cleaning. Loose paper, extra clothes, bags, or towels on the floor should be picked up and removed from any bedroom surface to make it easier for you to clean.

Next, throw away any item that is not worth keeping. For clothes, you can consider donating your old clothes to charity or even selling them online. You should also start to think about which areas of your room should be rearranged, such as books on your bookshelf or makeup in your drawers. Decluttering your space is the perfect way to start fresh and motivate yourself to tidy your room.

2. Wash your bedsheets and pillowcases

One of the essential steps to include in your daily cleaning checklist is to make your bed. This involves not only changing your bedsheets, but also washing and changing your bedsheets, comforters, blankets and pillowcases. Since comforters and blankets take the longest to dry, you should put those in the washing machine first.

Linens should be changed every few weeks or months, depending on how long you use them. This helps in preventing the build-up of dust mites. It is also important to ensure all your linens are properly dried before being put away, as mould might start to grow on the fabric if the linen is kept while still damp. 

3. Dust the walls and surfaces

Take a damp cloth and wipe down all your furniture, including nightstands, dressers, and bed frames. Next, wipe these areas with another clean cloth or paper towel dipped in soapy water before rinsing them off. It would help if you also cleaned ceiling fans often as they get dirty quickly due to the lack of frequent cleaning.

Don’t forget to move furniture from the floor as well. Doing this removes all those pesky dust bunnies hiding underneath tables and chairs you don’t normally see without lifting anything. After everything is wiped dry, you can prepare to vacuum or sweep your floors.

4. Sweep and vacuum

Using a broom, sweep all of the dirt from your floors. Afterwards, you may proceed to vacuum the floors as well. It is important to ensure that your vacuum is suitable for your floor type. You can also proceed to mop your floors for extra measure.

Lastly, you can move all your furniture back to its original place and clean any spots you might have missed.


Everybody knows how important it is to keep your bedroom clean. However, some of us might not know where to start. Hopefully, the steps listed in this article have given you a clearer understanding of how to clean your bedroom.

If you do not have the luxury of time to give your bedroom a proper deep cleaning, do not fret! Home Cleaning SG is the cleaning company you can count on. We offer part-time maid services in Singapore that are guaranteed to leave your home feeling brand new.

Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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